Benefits of automating your sales process

Today the vast majority of organizations are anxious to point out to a wide range of competitors. Also, the level of competition within each industry becomes increasingly high and demanding, because companies are on the constant search for new ways of providing value to customers, who make that they prefer their products or services on other options and thus achieve its objective of increasing sales levels.
To achieve this it is necessary that companies have sales processes very well structured, with each of the stages of optimized to generate the best results as it is the main generator of income of the organization. This road also known as "business process", represents all the interactions between the client and the company, from the stage of exploration until the closing of the sale and post-sale service phase.
A planned business process support that your company can diagnose and correct deficiencies in each stage, objective of business opportunities assessments, forecast sales and revenues as well as increase customer retention as a result of good monitoring and knowledge of their anticipated needs.
Having a well-defined sales process also allows you to identify each one of the activities to be carried out and the documents to be used in each phase of the same. So that the sales force know what to do at each stage of the process and in what status each of the prospects, is so its work can be much more effective and have greater opportunities to close sales.
However, the management of all activities, information and documentation of each part of the business process can become a job complicated, causing that your company can lose efficiency, and most importantly: sales opportunities. That's the recommended way to manage your sales process is through a system that allows you to automate activities such as: prospecting, qualification of prospects, management of business opportunities, tracking, sales projections and more.
This time in NextUp you share the benefits receiving organizations to automate the business process, same contributing to achieve increases in sales and generate greater added value to the customer.
Benefits of automating your sales process
1. Real-time information
Information is power, and here is the importance of relying on it at the right time. By automating your business process you can access it in real time to timely follow up on business opportunities; This easy access also enhances the decision-making process. There are also tools that make it possible to display the comments that sales team performs on the prospects, to thus see if adequate follow-up is underway.
2. Better management of sales opportunities
Quickly detect sales opportunities you have and know the progress of each one when they are in an automated system is very simple, this contributes greatly to take corrective actions in cases in which the opportunities they are imprisoned somewhere in the process. Also, because the information of each prospect is concentrated in a single database prevents loss of important data.
3. Increased productivity of sales team
For the sales team should be paramount spend most of their time to sell and simplify other activities that go hand in hand to the business process. Without a doubt the automation is helpful to increase the productivity of representatives, because it reduces the time they invest in other tasks like find the contact details for your prospects, make sales projections, elaborate reports of sale, among others.
4. Team collaboration
Carry out a sale, is a task that requires the involvement of different areas of the company, such as: marketing, sales and administration, and the good communication between people and departments is fundamental for the achievement of the objectives. Business process automation facilitates the flow of information from all areas involved, allows to close agreements altogether and also respond faster and more accurate, that translates into a greater satisfaction from customers.

5. Increase the perceived value
With the automation of the business process, your company has the opportunity to create an experience of value to the customer from the first approach you make with your company until you decide to buy your product or service, and even in the after sale service. All this because you can keep custom track, providing care and higher quality in less time. Remember that a level of excellence in the service that you give your customers can make a difference to your competitors and create greater preference for your company.
