This March 14, 2017 perform the delivery of the prizes u-GOB to Digital Government, presented by KIO Networks. The ceremony was held at the Hotel Four Seasons of the city of Mexico and we had the pleasure of count with the participation of Víctor Lagunes (Presidency of the Republic), Sergio Rosengaus (KIO Networks), Edgar Fierro (IDC), Francisco Valdés (Spingere), Armando Ávalos (Trustnet), Ivan Gil (Smart City Expo LATAM Congress) and Juan Carlos Tubilla (Hewlett Packard Enterprise). We also have with the assistance of the Chief Clerk of the CDMX, the owner of the unit of administration of the IFT, the Director General of innovation and Digital Government of the State of Jalisco, the General Director of systems for Digital Government, the President of the Superior Court of Justice and the Council of the judiciary of the State of Mexico and many more personalities.

Participating projects were evaluated by a panel consisting of:

  • Carlos Vargas, Estonia
  • Korina Velázquez, OAS
  • Jianggan Li, Singapore
  • Cristina Garrido, Smart City Expo Latam Congress, Barcelona
  • Pablo Garcia, Georgetown, United States
  • Frinee Pedroza, overall strategy
  • Gerardo Jiménez, ULSA
  • Edgar Vazquez, Intel Security
  • Edgar Fierro, IDC
  • Rodrigo Sandoval, UAEM
  • Ileana Garcia, public intelligence
  • Daniel Kapellmann, University of Washington
  • Netzer Díaz, Government of the State of Hidalgo

Those who kindly shared their time, knowledge and experience to meet and assess each of the proposals, review the accompanying documentation, visit the sites shared by the participants and give us feedback concerning the projects and the process of evaluation itself.

winning projects are listed below:

  • Digital Government for Government alien project. "Tool post Populi", Ministry of health and Social protection. Bogotá, Colombia
  • Digital Government for Federal Government project. "Health 360", Ministry of health
  • Open data for Federal Government project. "International Charter of open data", coordination of national Digital strategy
  • Federal Government Big Data project. "Approval of historical bases", Ministry of health
  • Applications in the cloud for Federal Government project. "MOOC platform Mexicox", Directorate General of Educational Television
  • Digital Government for autonomous bodies. "System of numbering and signage (SNS)", Federal Institute of telecommunications
  • Project of Digital Government for State Government. "Platform CDMX phase 2", Mayor of the CDMX Oficialia
  • Draft open data for State Government. "Public challenges", Ministry of planning, administration, and Finance of the Government of the State of Jalisco
  • Big Data project to State Government. "Analysis of the behavior of the foreign trade of the maquiladoras, manufacturing industries and services in Mexico", Institute of statistical information and geographic of the State of Jalisco
  • Project applications in the cloud for State Government. "Private of the State of Mexico Government cloud", General Directorate of the State system of computer science of the Government of the State of Mexico
  • Digital Government for State Judicial power project. "Court of Control specializes in searches and arrest warrants online", direction General of the administration of the courts of the system criminal accusatory of the power Judicial from the State of Mexico
  • Project of Digital Government for Municipal Government. "Nezapp", Ayuntamiento de Nezahualcóyotl
  • Project applications in the cloud for Municipal Government. "Comprehensive system of relationship with citizens (SIRC)", city of Veracruz
  • Draft open data for Municipal Government. "Xalapa, open government", Ayuntamiento de Xalapa

Special recognition

  • Recognition of special project of Digital Government for Federal Government. "The management Integral SIGI institutional system", Instituto Nacional De Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias
  • Special recognition in the category Digital Government project for the Federal Government. Technical information of the national centre of information of hydrocarbons "portal", National Committee on data of hydrocarbons
  • Recognition of special project of open data to the Federal Government. "RadarCiSalud", Ministry of health
  • Recognition of special project of Digital Government for State Government. "Tequila magic intelligent people", Department of planning, administration and Finance of the Government of the State of Jalisco
  • Recognition of special project from open data for State Government. "System integration and consolidation of the State public account", Secretary of finance and administration of the Government of the State of Hidalgo
  • Recognition of special project from applications in the cloud for State Government. "Application safe transportation Tabasco", Secretary of administration of the Government of the State of Tabasco
  • Recognition of special project of Digital Government for Municipal Government. "Digitramite", municipality of Zapopan
  • Recognition of special project of Digital Government for Municipal Government. "Implementation and customization of SAP to the General Law of governmental accounting through the implementation of initiatives on the current functionality of the GRP (Government Resource Planning) and TRM (Tax and Revenue Management)", city of Oaxaca de Juárez.

By Carlos Castaneda Giron

