The abc to convert a Facebook 'like' a for sale

It is not enough to attract traffic to your fanpage or have thousands of likes. To monetize with social networks and convert the 'likes' on a sale, you have to turn your fans into your friends, only so you'll do business with them, consider Ana González, founder of the Agency for digital marketing, yeast, during Zoholics 2017.
In the world of digital advertising in Mexico, of 14,936 million pesos invested, 32.6% is allocated to social media, six percentage points more than for 2015 and the trend goes to the rise indicates the study of investment in online communication presented by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and the PwC audit firm. There is the interest of the companies to capture the attention of your target in social networks.
Apart from that, the business must learn to translate the interaction you have in their Facebook pages (and other social networks) in sales. Zoholics 2017, organized by the Indian company Zoho, Gonzalez shared with attendees the practices that have made this possible with their customers.
The abc's of persuasion

Enterprising challenges one of the popular beliefs about marketing when he asserts that marketing is not to sell, but clarifies: "Yes to facilitates sales", to build the brand with constancy and consistency, which can be achieved with the following three recommendations:
A don't do marketing to sell

You have to understand where comes the marketing and where to begin sales, says Gonzalez. To do this the right way, it is necessary to first study the audience fall in love, to continue the relationship with consumers and measure the impact that occurs in the long run.

For example, yeast team launched a campaign which he called Mexican through his bag, which asked women on social networks what they wore on this accessory in September of last year. This is for the sole purpose of knowing consumer habits that give insights (consumer information) and opportunities to connect with this target.

This step is only to position itself in the consumer's mind.
B. make a plan

This plan must be contained aspects such as the budget (although you can try organically), the definition of the audience and the temporality of the messages.

An important step is to define the audience interest networks, recommends that the CEO of yeast, and create content ad hoc for her, i.e. find "what are the issues that make click with the target".

Then you must define what is the temporality of the publication of the messages. According to the study, consumption of media and devices among Mexican Internet users 2016, IAB and Kantar Millward Brown, between 6 pm and 12 am is when Internet users pay more attention to advertising online.

In this step it is important, says Gonzalez, that the content is human and creative to generate engagement with fans on social networks. Also consider that the design of the message should be multichannel.

C. it generates conversation

Encourage a positive conversation is vital to generate a sale, especially in an environment where 56% of the comments or recommendations about brands social media influence the opinion of consumers about them, according to the above-mentioned study.

Even more so when 49% of consumers advertising on social networks has helped you make purchase decisions.

Gonzalez advised to those who manage networks of companies made friends of their consumers, "it is easier to buy your friends because they fall you well".

In this sense, the international speaker, Rafael Piccolo, who also gave a talk on Zoholics 2017, sentencing: "today people can build or destroy a brand in seconds, before talking about the word of mouth which is now equivalent to the"word of mouse".
