On the international day of the working woman, let's talk about the five most prominent movements in favour of empowerment women in the use and development of the technologies of information and communication technology (ICT) over the past years, as well as some of the most representative names of women in ICT innovation throughout history.

by María Teresa Jiménez Nieto on 8 March, 2017

Mexican women in ICT

  • María Asunción Aramburuzabala, President and CEO of resalia Capital and owner of the technological KIO Networks, which has invested in telecommunications
  • Blanca Treviño, CEO of Softtek
  • Diana Gómez German, CEO of Unisys, and AMITI WIT Committee Coordinator
  • Claudia Calvin, founder of the blog women building and General Director of the Mexican Council of International Affairs
  • IDI, Mez and Ana Karen founders of EpicQueen.com, a site aimed at linking women in the field of technology. Its main topics: startups, entrepreneurship, and innovation. In his blog documented stories of women who work in technology.
  • Maite Azuela, analyst who has taken advantage of technology to address social causes. Your mission: get people to pass from passive complaint to action. This mission was born DHP Mexico.
  • María Elena Meneses, academic scholar of the media that today is dedicated to understanding the information society. She is a researcher of the center of studies on Internet and society of the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
  • Monica Aspe has studied the digital divide and problems for the development of Mexico, as well as developing projects for inclusion and connectivity in different areas in the country in the SCT…

Women's movements in the ICT

  1. WENT (training for electronic networks of women in Asia and the Pacific)

It began as a training workshop at annual and regional ICT in Seoul (Korea) in 1999. WENT was an initiative of the exchange of resources of Asian women (Women's Resource Exchange or AWORC), an online network of organizations and resources for women in the region centers.

The WENT has had several versions, but the main objective is the training of leading women's organizations to effectively use communication tools based on Internet for the Exchange and dissemination of information on the process of evaluation of the Beijing Platform for action in Asia.

It also focuses on generally improve their ability to use new ICT into national development programmes. There have been four regional workshops, along with national workshops in the Philippines, Malaysia and India. In four years, the workshops WENT trained 178 women from 24 countries of Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and the Pacific.

  1. Costa Rica FIRE radio

Does a comprehensive job in what refers to production and management of information on its web site, which has become a true multimedia site that keeps readers abreast and reading about recent events where women are protagonists in the Latin American region: meetings, seminars, conferences, marches, demonstrations, campaigns.

  1. CEMINA (communication, education and information on gender)

It started in 1989 as a radial experience broadcast a programme on themes of women and feminist movement for an AM radio of Rio de Janeiro.

Currently transmits 24 hours through Fala Mulher in Internet radio and you can access news via sound files that are offered on the site. As of 2002, opened a training course on radio and ICT aimed at popular radio communicators.

  1. Programme of support for the networks of women of the Association for progressive communications (APC PARM)

It began operating in the early 1990s and continues to be one of internet networks for the world's most important women.

PARM APC is an international facilitator of the commitment of civil society and ICT and issues related to these, both in theory and in practice, which deals with operational and regulatory issues, and transmits their concrete experiences in national and international contexts. (GEM)

  1. Asociación Mexicana de technologies of the information industry (AMITI)

He created the Committee AMITI WIT (Woman In Technology) initiative to promote the participation of women in the professional and business world with actions focused to encourage its participation from the levels of education upper middle to senior management levels.

