10 classics for entrepreneurs

Also novels and classics have important lessons in the business world. You share our favorites.


1. The rebellion of Atlas, Ayn Rand
This work of the writer of Russian origin Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum addresses intelligently business philosophy in the United States at the beginning of the last century. On the one hand, there are employers willing to change things (such as "the man who stopped the world"), and on the other those who take advantage of the circumstances. The book, which can well be considered a philosophy text (Rand developed the philosophical system of Objectivism), argues that economic freedom is key to progress. His interesting arguments about business and economy also adds stories of love and suspense.
Original title: Atlas Shrugged
Year of publication: 1957

2. Kane and Abel, Jeffrey Archer
This book takes the names of the biblical brothers to narrate the life of two rivals who, without knowing it, have much in common (including being born on the same day). William Kane is the son of a renowned American Banker who, on the death of his father, decides to continue the business; Wladek Koskiewicz is born in Poland in a humble family and after several obstacles to reach America where it changes its name to Abel and built a hotel Empire. The stories of both characters mingle and can see beyond their rivalry they share a great passion and dedication to your business, work, and family.
Original title: Kane and Abel
Year of publication: 1979

3. The art of war, Sun Tzu
This short book – written by a Chinese philosopher approximately 2,500 years ago to the commanders of the army of China – raises interesting strategies of war, same that are now applicable to compete and succeed in the business world. Although there is a Special Edition to apply in the business field, the original of Sun Tzu can be understood by replacing the words: "Army" by "company", "battlefield" by "marketing" and "armament" "resources". At the end of about 40 pages, you will receive an important lesson about planning and tactics applicable to your company.
Publication year: 1913

4. The little Prince, Antoine de Saint Exupéry
This book, a work of the great writer and Aviator Saint Exupery, is the most read and translated from France… but also provides important lessons about philosophy, coaching and the power of the imagination. It tells the story of a pilot who is lost in the Sahara desert where she meets a little Prince coming from another planet. The little Prince teaches you things like the ability of children to see beyond themselves, worried about others and the value of asking good questions for big answers. The entire book is an invitation to creative, key thought for entrepreneurs.
Original title: Le Petit Prince
Publication year: 1943

5. Don Quixote de la Mancha, Miguel de Cervantes
Considered by many as the best work of Hispanic literature, this work has as protagonist to Don Alonso Quijano, a hidalgo poor obsessed with chivalry novels, who accompanied by Sancho Panza live several adventures believing themselves a knight-errant. Although it is a long and somewhat complicated language book, is a must for all lovers of literature but also a good recommendation for entrepreneurs. Throughout the text, you will learn lessons about imagination, the value of the ideals, perseverance, search and the defense of virtue and the importance of choosing a good partner accompanying you on your way.
Year of publication: 1605

6. The Ender play, Orson Scott Card
This science fiction title is situated in a future where mankind is preparing for a new war against an alien race. The secret weapon of the men is a group of child soldiers who, through simulators, learn to fight against the enemy; the leader is a bright young man named Ender. Along with demonstrating the importance of strategy and the use of resources to defeating a more powerful rival (analogy that probably serve to SMEs), in the game of Ender, it delves into the qualities that make a leader, including the value of empathy.
Original title: Ender's Game
Year of publication: 1977

7. Discreet hero, Mario Vargas Llosa
The most recent novel by Peruvian Nobel Prize recounts the experiences of two characters in parallel: Felícito Yanaqué, a small businessman and a village in Peru, Ismael Carrera, a successful business man from Lima who runs a revenge against her two lazy children who want his death. Of this novel, in addition to enjoying the magnificent prose that characterizes the author, you can get two great lessons: the role of businessmen to build a nation (and how his image has changed in this South American nation), the values of these businessmen who stand out for their courage to not fall into blackmail and challenge the status quo of a society.
Publication year: 2013

8. The Prince, Machiavelli
The Prince was written by Machiavelli as a response to Lorenzo II de Medici who imprisoned him for "conspiring" against her. Although the book has several centuries old, explores issues that remain relevant for entrepreneurs and leaders of today: the relationship between love and fear in the leadership and the "art" of the war. Although the teachings of text in the majority of cases should not be applied to the current business environment, yes provides some valuable arguments for leaders like cunning, the value of understanding the stories of other characters, evaluating the mistakes and paramount which is adapt to the environment.
Original title: Il principe
Year of publication: 1513

9. Around the world in eighty days, Julio Verne
This novel tells the story of Britain's Phileas Fogg and his assistant Passepartout who are committed to make a tour around the world in less than three months. The great book of science fiction meets methodical Fogg personality with the spontaneity of Passepartout who together know about different countries and cultures. The works of Verne are great examples of adventurers and entrepreneurs with vision, to whom no matter which will say or the risks and possible failures involving its crossings. For them there is the impossible. Additionally, this title is considered having a good partner (whose characteristics complement yours) and adapt to the environment.
Original title: Le Tour du monde in quatre-vingts jours
Year of publication: 1873

10. Great expectations, Charles Dickens

Original title: Great Expectations
Publication year: 1860

