How do you ask salary increases?

Most of the workers, at some point in his career, must negotiate a pay raise with your boss. Get it is an art. You have to know to choose the time and handle the situation, usually tense. Here we offer you the planning some guidelines practices to achieve this:

1. Training

Find out what are the criteria of your company about the salary increases: who or who have been increased them, or those who do not and why, in each case.

-Write all the arguments that you may have in your favor. Another trick is to try to get involved in the process to a friend. Ensures that the word "Devil's advocate" responses that try to pull down your arguments.

-Simulates an interview with that friend in which he does the role of head of human resources (and you of candidate for a pay rise).

-If possible, record the video interview and observe yourself: do you get nervous? You seem convincing? Sure you say any phrase with hesitation: write down it. There are people who do this with a simple Pocket recorder. If it's something, we will tell you that the good sellers put into practice this system frequently. They call him "Theatre of sale"; and you you are selling is not so?

2. Preparation

-Find out what are the averages for salaries that will get caught in the sector and in the geographic area where the company is located.

Learn about the salaries that are paid in the company. The ideal is to have a contact within the same (Union representatives often have this type of information and can provide it to you).

-Seeks to be willing to not say "agreement" at the first opportunity that is presented to you. Remember that in most cases the employer has a margin for negotiation.

-Don't tell at first how much money want to win.

-Get a coherent list of all the reasons justifying that they increase you the salary (production, provided benefits wing company, innovations, saving you've got for the company, etc).

-Make sure what are the standards of evaluation of employees in the company in which you work. It is easier to negotiate bearing in mind the evaluation systems of the company taking you your own sleeve systems. If the company evaluates employees for benefits reporting to business, by very applied and worked hard that you've been over the previous years, it will be futile.

-During the negotiation always use real-life examples. Te no andes by branches or argue. It raises the increase as one step forward in your career, not as a claim.

-Do not use blackmail in vain. If you said that if you don't go up the salary you'll company… Do it! Otherwise, your reputation will be at ground level. (Put another way, do not use this argument if you don't have backs covered with another solid offering}.

-Never put personal reasons to apply for the wage increase. That will be to devalue your own work.
